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Centaurius the Prophecy front book cover Bk 1

Reviewed By:

Jessica Barbosa

Review Rating: - 5 Stars 

Centaurius the Prophecy is book one of the Green Galaxy Series by SJ McGarry. A dark, corrupt threat rises and puts the planets Centaurius and Earth in grave danger. This destructive entity is called the Red Brume, a creation that poisoned everything in its path and, according to the archives, it is the most feared of all prophecies. It is capable of devastating everything, an evil force driving the exploitation of natural resources. However, a certain hero stands in its way: the promised Princess Warrior of Centaurius, foreseen by the prophecies; Nella Grizel Reiner. It is clear that Nella cannot fight this powerful foe alone. She travels to Earth with her protector and mentor, Konan, two agents from the Interplanetary Galaxy Operatives (IPGO), and her Fur and Feathered Warriors in a mission to find Nella’s mirrored Earth Warrior - the chosen one foreordained in the Book of Twenty. Bonded together, working as a team, the Centaurius Princess Warrior and the mirrored Earth Warrior will become fearsome and powerful advocates for the survival of both planets and galaxies.  SJ McGarry has created a detailed, science fiction story that uniquely depicts the fragile but delightful essence of Nature, the different life forms it governs, and the influence humans have over them, good or bad. I saw this as a story that portrays the weight of responsibility and stepping up to help save what is important. One of the many things I found interesting about this story’s idea is how nature and technology seamlessly blend together to create a unique and distinctive world that continues to pull me in with every new and remarkable concept introduced. I found the different gifts the characters had to be one of the most intriguing things in the book, like the ability of galaxy living resolution (GLR) which divines the intent of any living being or the gift to communicate with all creatures. I found the book to be thoroughly enjoyable; there was never a dull moment as I thirsted for every chapter that pulled me deeper into its fascinating plot. The story is descriptive and imaginative and I looked forward to learning more about the planet Centaurius and its people. There is so much raw potential in Centaurius the Prophecy that I get goosebumps just thinking of what could possibly happen next.




5.0 out of 5 starsGreat mix of sci-fi, fantasy, romance & environmental issues.
May 20, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
I love the authors' mix of sci-fi, romance, fantasy and environmental issues. The storyline kept me captivated to the end. I can't wait for book 2 to find out what Nellie has to go through next. I particularly liked how the issues of taking care of our earth are woven into this story. Good read!

Reviewed By Reader's Favorite:


​​~KIRKUS REVIEWS– June 2019~

“A YA space opera sees a princess step toward her destiny as an interstellar savior…Though McGarry…opens her adventure with the harrowing murder of a gorilla family in Congo, the tone softens, inviting fans of space epics like Star Wars along for the ride. There’s an enjoyable profusion of gadgetry and lore embedded in every page, from brain chips that animals use to telepathically communicate to the Wooden Warriors—talking trees—of Wethersfield. This first volume in a series brings a tremendous amount of backstory to light… But the focus always returns to the plight of Earth, where oceans will rise, “regardless of any future curb greenhouse gasses… A series opener that skillfully balances sobering ecological facts with fanciful galactic adventures…”


"While it is extremely unique in its own right, Centaurius: The Prophecy reminded me of several other successful sci-fi/fantasy novels, such as Frank Herbert’s Dune (for the politics and intrigue), as well as Guy Gavriel Kay’s The Summer Tree (for the way you and Kay merge fantasy worlds with real-world Earth). The communication and empathy that is shared with animals, such as Senkewe and Jarmu, reminded me of Diane Duane’s sea-based Deep Wizardry novel. By bringing in a strong female lead, exciting dialogue, and the promise of future adventures, Centaurius: The Prophecy has all the ingredients of being the beginning of a popular series."



Jul 09, 2020 Marsha James rated it -   I really liked it
There is something unbeatable about being pleasantly surprised. This was my first time reading anything by S. J. McGarry, and I was pleasantly surprised by Centaurius. Centaurius is epic in every way the word can be defined. The scale of some of the conceptual elements was so broad that I initially had difficulty comprehending them. The best Science Fiction always does this for me in some way. The best stories can be a linchpin, connecting you to your future, slightly more experienced self. The ...more

Jul 09, 2020 Janet Parker rated it  - it was amazing
I like originality, and I also like a story told economically, and the writer S. J. McGarry gets my high praise in the science fiction genre. McGarry has created in Centaurius a speculative fiction gem where it leads a reader along an environmental issues yet approachable thrilling ride. McGarry has crafted a dynamic tension that grips the reader throughout this book.
For a story confined to less than two hundred pages, it is impossible to be disappointed by the sheer degree of content, characte ...more

Jul 10, 2020 Betty Nelson rated it  - it was amazing
This book is spectacular, smart, clever, well crafted, well timed, full of great characters, and great scenes. At first, this book is hard to get into. It throws you a whole bunch of terminology and plot with little explanation. But you need to stick with it because it'll be all worth it. The payoff in this book is unbelievably good and turned what I hated in the beginning to something I completely adored. Fantasy is notorious for being unrepresentative, but S. J. McGarry's world is inclusive. I ...more

Jul 10, 2020 Kimberly Edwards rated it  - it was amazing
A brilliant novel. Rich in characters, a superbly crafted story that moves quickly and deals with important issues. S. J. McGarry did a ton of research for this book. I would even go so far as to say that there is more info-dumping than there is a plot. However, McGarry has a way of pulling you into the story and writing in such an enthralling way that the explanations and listing of names aren't boring or repetitive. It adds to the story and the development of the characters. Some of my favorit ...more

Jul 10, 2020 Priya Gupta rated it -  it was amazing
This is my favorite book in the fantasy genre because it blew me away. If you are a fantasy reader, give this one a whirl, you won't be disappointed. So, what do we get here? A space opera, which I feel is somewhat more fantasy than sci-fi, which isn't bad at all. I had the same feeling while reading Dune, by the way. So good modern space opera and a love story that isn't into sappy -it's mature, it's a bit funny and believable. Plus, we get a smart and strong heroine, Nella. Konan is also sensitive and sensible. Where have you been all my life, Nella? You could be a perfect role model for a teen me! Sigh. Another interesting character is Bedad, but he is a tad more stereotypical for my tastes, but it didn't hurt to have him in the book. I hope both of them will be developed more in future books. The background is a breathtaking space opera with its battles and demonic powers. It has elements to appeal to every single reader.
Science fiction fans will find it interesting and enjoy exploring the philosophies of human nature and war. This book sets out to make you think.

Jul 09, 2020 Benjamin Murphy rated it -  it was amazing
Although, this is quite a heavy book to read, once you get into the somewhat peculiar writing style of McGarry, the intricate storyline and realistic characterizations that lie within this novel make it more than worth the time and effort. McGarry vision of the future (the exact time-frame is unspecified, but given that humanity pervades a significant portion of the galaxy, it must be the fairly distant future) is captivating, although it must be said that little exposition is offered concerning issues such as the general nature of society, or the workings of futuristic technology. Truly--this book is worth reading for the ending. It is not only fun and unpredictable, but I also found the ending to be profound without seeming contrived or preaching. The ending says some interesting things about life and humanity that I'm still thinking about several days later. If you're looking for something new and extravagant, this is where you should look. I need the sequel desperately. Highly recommended. (less)

Jul 09, 2020 William Davis rated it  - it was amazing
S. J. McGarry is so creative and brilliant here, with this fantastically paced plot woven from rich and varied characters.
Honestly, Centaurius succeeds on so many levels. The characters were real, vibrant, exotic, and interesting. I can't remember being attached to the main characters so deeply since the first time I watched Star Wars in grade school. Centaurius had that level of effect on me. At the same time, as an adult, I find Centaurius much more than Star Wars could ever hope to be. I'd love to see this COMPETENTLY made into a movie. Our protagonist, Nella Griselda Reiner, is well developed, the action bits are exciting, the themes are worth pondering, and the sci-fi tech is also fun. I particularly liked the CBOT tech, one of my favorite sci-fi tropes. Additionally, McGarry renders us a rewarding intersection between human struggles with issues that bear on the fate of our species. I am happy that this is a trilogy and will read the other two volumes soon. A must for sci-fi fans, and anybody else who likes a great read, genre notwithstanding. (less)

Jul 09, 2020 Belinda Anderson rated it  - it was amazing
I loved this book. It was a slow start for me because I had to work at keeping track of all the characters, but that fell into place once I realized there were a few key players that were more important. I especially enjoyed all the descriptions of technology. Interestingly, the slangs and acronyms used in the story can be read at the end of the novel. I'm sure even this book has its flaws, and if I take it apart, I might find them. But I don't want to. I enjoyed every single page, the tight and ...more

Jul 09, 2020 Patricia Brown rated it  - it was amazing
I normally don't write reviews on fiction works since I prefer to focus more on my non-fictional readings, but this time I felt compelled to write something about this masterpiece. It has been a long time since I had last experienced the pleasure of reading such a beautiful example of space opera. The width and scope of this ambitious work are breathtaking; we are dealing here with a visionary, outstanding work of hard science fiction that manages to address many traditional themes of science fi ...more

Jul 09, 2020 Theodore Roberts rated it  - really liked it
Words can't describe how much I love this book! The quality of the writing in the first chapter gripped me and wouldn't let me stop reading. It is a fabulous sci-fi space opera with fantastic characters you root for. The most impressive thing is the world-building, and how complex science becomes understandable and readable in a way that you don't find in these types of books.  Centaurius posits, in the beginning, technology beyond many of the most forward thinkers' wildest imaginations. McGarry' ...more

Jul 10, 2020 Edward Moore rated it  - really liked it
This is a great read and a different look at the future than many I have read. I think people should pay attention and take care of our planet, and I found this novel a thrilling suspense into what may happen. Centaurius is the first book in the Green Galaxy Series, which focused on introducing the characters and the settings.
Character-driven sci-fi is something of a rarity; most sci-fi novels are more concerned with plot and technology, and characterization is often of secondary importance. S. J. McGarry is a different kettle of fish; she puts technology in the background and concentrates on her characters and what they do. This works in her favor as her characters are mostly complex and believable.
Not many would take a chance in the fantasy genre with a move like this. It was brilliant and compelling. At first, it read like I was getting directions, you take a left, and then you pull into the parking lot, but once I got over it, I can only say it was brilliant. I'm looking forward to reading the next two books. (less)

Jul 10, 2020 Thomas Lewis rated it  - really liked it
This is a book you need to read with great concentration. McGarry never attempts anything even remotely like an info dump. Instead, she reveals little snippets of world-building as the book progresses, and if you are not reading carefully, you will miss a lot. Even the story itself can be confusing. It took a quick reread of the first few pages to confirm my opinion, and it opened a whole new reason to dash for the next book as soon as possible!
My advice is to give the book at least fifty pages before passing judgment because it takes a while to understand what is going on. There is a lot of terminologies to get used to, but once you get into the world and the story, it is a rewarding read. I can't say much about the plot without giving away some of the wonderful surprises, but if you want to read about a truly dystopian world that holds a mirror to the darkest of human motivations, this novel will haunt you long after you finish it. The ending downright killed me. I can't wait for the next book! (less)

Jul 09, 2020 Joan Dela rated it -  really liked it
One of those books that take you on a journey. I was ambivalent about it at first, but I quickly became enthusiastic. McGarry's style allows you an idea of the nature of several different civilizations without going too in-depth. This skill allows her to construct the epic scope required for a space opera of this nature.
It had such a strong start; I was worried the story was going to hit the middle and drag. When that didn't happen, I worried toward the end that it was going to fall apart becau ...more

Jul 09, 2020 Princess Poole rated it  - really liked it
A compulsive read, interesting characters, and an insane amount of original sci-fi ideas. More, please. Centaurius, for me, is filled with wonders and surprises. A story spanning millions of years and several galaxies. It took me a few chapters to wrap my head around the world; it's a lot to take in at first. Afterward, I couldn't put it down. I plowed through savoring each word. S. J. McGarry's prose is as wonderful as the world(s) she's created. I'm gushing, I know, but I can't help myself. I'm ...more

Jul 09, 2020 Jessica Stewart rated it  - it was amazingImaginative, action-packed, thoughtful, vivid, and an incredible start to what I know is going to be a new favorite series! It starts slow, but you're introduced to new species, new technology, new characters, and new ideas that are incredibly unique, and unlike any creative universe you can imagine. The short chapters were welcome at first, but the jumping around got me a bit lost. The plot develops at the halfway point of the book and carries you through a universe with changing gravity that r ...more

These are only a sample of the reviews. Go to Amazon and Goodreads
 SJ McGarry Book Cover with Silver and Best Seller Awards

From the United States

Sol Tyler
5.0 out of 5 stars A book which masterfully explores a lot of themes
Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2023
Verified Purchase
This Superhero Fantasy Tale takes us to a journey of vividly descriptive scenes and immerses us in a world of enchantment. The centaurian princess warrior’s internal struggle to save the world and planet Earth sustains the suspense and intrigue until the last line of this book.
The way the main characters are portrayed takes us on an emotional journey which resonates and does not allow us to stop reading page after page. All the chapters are equally catchy and they were well-thought-out.
The book masterfully explores a lot of themes, such as power, evolution, and the passage of time. However, its strength lies in its prose, which effortlessly flows. I truly recommend it.


Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars An Engaging YA Read
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2023
A fun and engaging return to the Centaurius Universe. Action-packed and full of fascinating information with a main character you can root for. Definitely for YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy fans.

4.0 out of 5 stars A Sci-Fi masterpeace
Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2023
Verified Purchase
Centaurius: Into the Fracas is a Sci-Fi novel, the second of the series, written by S.J. McGarry. The book explores different angles compared with the first one. Now the princess, in order to save the earth, will have to ally with Earth Warrior to defeat their enemies. Might sound easy, but it's not. In my opinion, this book excels keeping the action and mystery alive until the last pages. The story is interesting and compelling, I do recommend though reading the first volume too because this fantasy world is hard to navigate, sometimes. The characters are built with emotion and intelligence, making this book a hard one to forget. Definitely waiting to read book number three!

Daniel Moreno
5.0 out of 5 stars A Five-Star Sci-Fi Odyssey
Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2023
Verified Purchase
"Centaurius: Into the Fracas" authored by SJ McGarry is an exceptional science fiction odyssey that effortlessly merits a five-star appraisal. The adeptness of the author's narrative style and the imaginative universe-building immediately captivate readers.
Following the journey of Nella, a courageous princess warrior, the narrative bears the destiny of an entire world within its narrative grasp. Her dedicated training and encounters with cosmic powers yield moments of inspiration. The plot's unexpected twists and its unwavering pace sustain a compelling momentum, amplified by the intricacy of the characters. This literary work is essential for those seeking an immersive expedition into the realm of adventure. The masterful fusion of action, enigma, and inventive thought makes it an enthralling sojourn. SJ McGarry's adept writing forges an indelible bond with readers, rendering "Centaurius: Into the Fracas" an outstanding inclusion on any bookshelf.

5.0 out of 5 stars A great book

Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2023
Verified Purchase
I really enjoyed reading “Centaurius: Into the Fracas” by SJ McGarry (ShirLee McGarry), who is a multi-talented individual with a diverse range of interests and accomplishments. She has a background in creative writing, music, entrepreneurship and real estate.
In the epic saga, a Centaurian princess-warrior embraces her fated role as she plunges into a desperate struggle to safeguard both her homeworld and the precarious existence of planet Earth, teetering on the precipice of annihilation. The plot of this story is truly exceptional and captivatingly distinct. It's brimming with a cast of remarkable and entertaining characters, all woven into a fantastic storyline that keeps you hooked from beginning to end. All in all, this story is fantastic. It's a blast to read, super easy to get into and it never loses its energetic vibe. I can't wait t o see what happens next!

5.0 out of 5 stars An unputdownable novel

Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2023
Verified Purchase
“Centaurius” is a compelling sci-fi novel, written by SJ McGarry, that will entertain you from the very beginning. I really enjoyed it!
It tells the story of Nella, an adventurous female princess warrior whose fate is sealed early; the world's destiny depends on her. In order to be in shape and get the necessary strength, she has to train hard and fight with other powers in the galaxy. But meanwhile, more danger threatens the world so inhabitants should be on the alert.
I found this novel really entertaining; there are so many unexpected turns and twists in the plot that make you feel intrigued all the time. The characters are dynamic and well-crafted. Also, the setting invites you to feel part of those worlds. In short, I highly recommend it.

Centaurius Into the Fracas is a Global Book award finalist for 2024.
Global Book silver Award for Centaurius Into the Fracas
Best seller award from Amazon
Bronze Medal Award from Gobal Book Awards
Book cover Baby in basket set in field of pink flowers in front of open door for the Pink Bundle
Readers favorite 5star Award for Centaurius the Prophecy Bk 1

6/2/2023 - Reviewed by Maria Victoria Beltran for Readers' Favorite

"SJ McGarry's The Pink Bundle is a thought-provoking novella about abandonment and self-discovery. With her evocative prose, the author effectively captures Sandra’s emotional turmoil in dealing with the truth about her birth, while seamlessly weaving together the present day with her past. With well-balanced pacing, the tension gradually develops making the book an emotionally engaging read. Readers should find it easy to empathize with

Sandra and feel her desperation and hope as she tries to uncover her identity. The other characters also add tension and depth to the narrative. The Pink Bundle is a story that deals with themes of identity, truth, forgiveness, and resilience. It is one of those novellas that will keep readers contemplating long after they turn the last page of the book."

 The Adventures of Cluck Cluck: "I down loaded the story and it was a quick read, great for kids. I read it to my7-year old grandson and he thought it was funny as well, especially since he's crazy about pirates and parrots. The fact that it was a true story made it more enjoyable"

BJ HANSEN,  4/27/2016

 "A fun, clever little story. Easy to read and enjoyable. I never knew a parrot could be so funny....and smart! I think kids will enjoy for sure and adults will get a nice chuckle."

IAN  GAGNE, 4/26/2016

Bk cover front picture of yellow nape parrot

Available on Amazon

Review echoes of the Mind: A Collection of Poetry on Life, Loss and Love by S.J. McGarry

Michele's review
Jul 30, 2017
liked it. I received my copy from Goodreads giveaway. As stated in the title, the poems cover the basics of living: life, loss, and love. My favorite was the Golden Anniversary poem. Even though it is about sharing 50 years, it touched my heart as I am celebrating 30 years. This a good collection with simple yet moving artwork to accompany the words.

Echoes of the Mind: A Collection of Poetry on Life, Loss and Love by S.J. McGarry
R.K. Cowles's review
Jul 27, 2017
it was ok bookshelves: books-won-on-goodreads-giveaways . 2 1/2 stars. A giveaway book on Goodreads. I felt too many of the poems we're monotonous. Although I did like about 7-8 of the poems. Some of the poems had a good form pattern and rhymes. Not my mug of tea.

6/2/2023 - Reviewed by Maria Victoria Beltran for Readers' Favorite

"SJ McGarry's Echoes of the Mind: A Collection of Poetry on Life, Loss and Love by S.J. McGarry


Beverly's review
Jul 30, 2017 liked it. bookshelves: 2017, first-reads, july-2017 . I won a copy of "Echoes Of The Mind" on Goodreads First Reads. I love poetry and some of these poems were pretty good. I had trouble relating to any of them, even though I wanted to.

Echoes of the Mind: A Collection of Poetry on Life, Loss and Love by S.J. McGarry
Jessi's review
Jul 27, 2017
it was ok. I did not connect with majority of the poems, but did enjoy a few. For the most part they seemed shallow and stereotypical. The end where the author explains types of poems may be helpful to aspiring authors, but poetry (I believe) should not focus so much on structure and more about feelings.

Cover page for Echoes of the mind poetry chap book
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